

The Novoseltsi Ballast Quarry is located about 15km southwest of the town of Burgas, in the land of the village of Konstantinovo, the municipality of Kameno. It is situated on the east of the village at about 1200m, close to the Mandra lake.
The deposit is characterized by the lack of any regularity whatsoever in the distribution of clay particles, clay layers, sand and gravel. Pliocene sand and gravel housing the deposit is in actuality a stripe where considerable deposits of clay were revealed. Information about prospecting and drilling exploration of the deposit reveals the following profile:
Quaternary materials represented by light-dark brown to black clays with a capacity of 0.30 to 2m; 0,85m on the average. Underneath are Pliocene sediments. They start with gray-greenish to rusty clays, sandy at places, with lime concretions scattered here and there. The clay capacity ranges from 0.0 to 6,7m; 2,1m on the average.
Deeper and deeper into the Pliocene there is sand, gravel and clay, combined together in different proportions without a particular pattern, dry and compact. Particularly characteristic is how a sand-clay layer, and then a clay layer occurs with no regularity at all. Clay is the predominant mineral in all the deposit, with varying degrees of sand and gravel usually of light yellow-greenish colour. Sand and gravel percentage also varies widely: sand from 11.8 to 78.1%; gravel from 1.7 to 71.5%.
Plastic clays are gray-brown, greenish, brown-reddish, thick dry with a capacity of 0.5 to 4m. Quartz gravels are found there. Sandy clays also contain different amounts of gravel. Clean sands are presented as thin layers and lenses 10-15cm thick, dissatisfying in capacity and span.

Lenses and seams of fat clays appear quite irregularly and sparsely, of light to reddish colour, and of capacity from 0 to 2m.
Despite the lack of regularity in terms of lithology, a particular trend is available towards relatively more claying in the eastern and southern part of the deposit.

Information on the Concession:

Novoseltsi III Area

Kalov Bair Area